Isolate the Solar PV System

Even if the solar PV system is not initially impacted by the incident, it should still be electrically isolated from the grid and shut down as a preemptive measure. If the system is off-grid or hybrid, use switchgear to isolate the battery bank from both the array and the inverter. Use caution, as solar PV systems are not guaranteed to be code-compliant or to have appropriate signage, controls or safety features.

If you are involved in isolating a solar PV system, remember: Never remove an electric meter! Colorado Springs Utilities is the most qualified to secure the system. Their personnel will evaluate the meter and remove it if needed.

Once a solar PV system has been isolated, the system status should be reported to command and announced to all personnel present. Continue to maintain at least 3 feet of distance from all solar PV components and keep fire line or caution tape around them as a reminder.